From Books to Brilliance (FBTB) creates libraries in remote communities of extreme poverty where residents lack education, health care, nutrition, running water, and electricity. To maximize success and sustainability, our team…
Identifies communities where organizations are working to solve problems. In Mulukukú, Nicaragua, a team from the University of Texas Medical Branch provided health care to thousands of people annually.
Partners with local leaders to discuss the possibility of establishing a library in their community. In El Fortín, Nicaragua, primary school teachers explain the challenges of teaching with no books and the benefits a library could offer all residents.
Locates an appropriate space with the help of local leaders. In La Laguna, Nicaragua, hopeful parents learned of FBTB libraries in nearby towns. After painting the word Biblioteca above the door of an empty out-building at the elementary school, they invited the FBTB team to visit.
Raises funds to create and grow libraries. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Kim Jew Photography supports FBTB’s fundraising efforts at the Southwest Chocolate & Coffee Fest.
Meets community leaders in the capital city to acquire all resources. In Guatemala City, a teacher and her son shop for the books and materials requested by the faculty at Jun Toj elementary school in Rabinal.
Hires local people to transport all resources to the target community. In Granada, Nicaragua, three young men load their truck with boxes of books, furniture, and more…everything to create a children’s library in Paz y Vida.
Celebrates with the community on delivery day! In the river village of Seacacar, Guatemala, residents of all ages show up to unload boxes, set up displays, and begin to organize their own public library.
Visits the libraries yearly. At the school library in La Laguna, Nicaragua, we speak with students and teachers to determine the next steps for the facility.
Provides access to engaging resources that fit the cultural and linguistic needs of each unique community.
Purchases all materials in the target countries, thereby supporting local economies.
Creates lasting friendships!